Thursday, October 27, 2011

Whispered Remembrances

I was whisked away into an old valley with foothills and secrets last weekend.   Leaf-laden with golden hues, the mountains spoke calm and silence.  No wonder Thomas Jefferson preferred them as his personal retreat.

My husband took me there to remember, to pause, and to give thanks with celebration for our past 18 years as husband and wife.  To be cared for by his thoughtful planning is like hearing a whisper from heaven.  You are loved - enjoy.

 We combined a few favorite things - the actors and architecture of eras past, and books, and we kept everything else low-key and simple, not fussing over elaborate meals, just whatever struck our fancy each time hunger crept into our plans.  We opted for take-out Chinese one night and returned to our room, after a satisfying day of browsing and looking, dreaming.

During our perusal of 100,000 books tucked away in the Shenandoah Valley, I happened across a favorite author and an unfamiliar work: Walking With God by John Eldredge (  Its premise is just the thing that I needed, its encouragement (as remembrance), timely, only I did not realize this until we got home and I opened it to read.  It, too, felt like a whisper from above - I see you; walk with me  - and all that such an invitation brings lit my soul, illuminating something forgotten amid busyness.  God is present, and you are joined to Him. Such is the reality of a life lived in Christ Jesus, such is the blessing, this inheritance, in all of its wild and alarming qualities, if only we dare to draw near, bold and fearless.

That, too, is your inheritance.  Yes. 

If you get the chance, visit John Eldredge's site, and skip over to Ransomed Heart, as well.

P.S.  I will attempt to post an article weekly here at Iridesce.

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