Monday, September 5, 2011

On Culture and Being Nerdy

I am thinking about how culture is created, specifically the "culture" of a home, and even more specifically, the "culture" of our own home. Also, how broader "culture" becomes a reflection of home-life, even many homes, and how homes absorb and reflect the broader culture, for better or for worse; of our daily habits cultivated over time, habits set like stone and attitudes, and of the things we intentionally absorb and those we absorb by default or complacency, or tiredness; and of the skills and potential contained within a single family unit for the betterment of society, of the things we give ourselves to, collectively and in solitude. Am also thinking about my role, as mother, as example and creator of "culture" that holds a great potential to become either a positive or negative influence within our home, and within culture. I think that I think too much, and my children would call this nerdy. LOL ;)

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